Monthly Archives: November 2018

Preface of the book ‘Mysteries and Symbols of the Soul’ by Doride Zelle

As human beings, we do not only live in an era of change but most notably also in a change of era. We find ourselves at the beginning of a 2160-year period that is known as the age of Aquarius or the Aquarius era. Consolidated structures are eroding, as new cosmic forces drive mankind towards consciousness and renewal. It concerns a development that is entirely in keeping with the divine plan. This development, this changing from a material to an etheric predominance, finds its purpose in building regeneration out of degeneration. Continue reading

Open conference 2018 ‘Mysteries of the Soul’ in London – November 15, 16, 17 – Golden Rosycross


Humanity en masse neglects the soul. Many problems we encounter are directly or indirectly the result of denying and ignoring this most essential aspect of ourself and our fellow human beings. There are many forces in the world that keep us away from caring for our soul.
Yet there is every reason for hope. During our recent era, the human personality has developed in such a way that the soul aspect has been awakened in many people and is indeed growing and becoming more active.
Do you know that you live on earth because you are Continue reading