Monthly Archives: February 2018

Preface from the book ‘Spiritual Easter and Pentecost’ by Doride Zelle

This book which elaborates on the inner meaning of Easter and Pentecost is the sequel to the book Spiritual Christmas. The books were compiled in response to the wish of many to provide the online programmes Spiritual Christmas, Spiritual Easter and Spiritual Pentecost as printed book as well. Together both books provide a clear gnostic vision on how to become a true human being as seen from the perspective of

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The cross of light – introduction from the book ‘Spiritual Easter and Pentecost’ by Daniël van Egmond

Easter should actually be celebrated around the spring equinox. Between 21 and 23 March, the light of the day is exactly in balance with the darkness of the night. But because the determination of the exact day of this festival is based on the lunar calendar of the pre-Christian Jewish tradition – the first Sunday on or after the equinox on which it is full moon – Easter is often celebrated many days after the equinox. Nevertheless, its spiritual meaning is closely linked to the symbolism of this balance between day and night. The night symbolizes our daily life: as long as Continue reading

Short quotes from the gospel of the Holy Twelve for the book ‘Spiritual Easter and Pentecost’

Sunday before Easter
Blessed be the Kingdom of our ancestor David, and blessed be thou that comes in the name of the Highest.
The gospel of the Holy Twelve 67:5

Monday before Easter
Even among the prophets and those who have keen initiated into the Christhood, the word of error has been found. But there are Continue reading