Tag Archives: universal gnosis

The fishersman’s net – chapter 19 of ‘The Universal Gnosis’


In the previous chapter dealing with the Gnosis, we had the opportunity to call your attention to the sacred trade exercised by the pupil, the fisherman’s trade, the fishing for men. Our task now is to have you reflect upon the tool of the true worker, the fisherman’s net, so that the sacred trade will stand out in your mind with more clarity than ever before.

The net, in the personality, symbolizes the aural field or the respiration field. In the Spiritual School the net is the symbol of the Continue reading

The glorious resurrection – chapter 17 of ‘The Universal Gnosis’


With the twelve stanzas of the epic of the cruci­fixion the pupil ends his journey through the fields of dialectics, on the way to the house of the father. The morning of the resurrection has come and we will now devote our attention to what this glorieus victory in the Gnostic sense signifies for us. We must have a complete survey of what and who rises from the tomb and what the tomb is to grasp all that transpires during the course of the resurrection.

In geographical Jerusalem there is a building called the Continue reading

The descent of the seven rays of the original pranic light – chapter 10 of ‘The Universal Gnosis’


When the one, indivisible Light of the original prana touches the microcosm of the pupil, we find that this Light is absorbed by the seven aspects of the microcosmic system. As it was explained in the previous chapter, the complete microcosm has seven aspects and each one of these aspects may, in turn, be divided into seven others. So, when we allude to the holy Sevenlight, we mean that the one indivisible Light of the original prana is active in some way in the sevenfold microcosmic system. When this work in the microcosm is completed, the reborn human being holds the seven stars in his right hand. Then all the structures of the microcosm are again in complete harmony with the Light of the original prana and this victory is reflected in the entire system. Continue reading