Tag Archives: christianity

The Christian Initiation Mystery – Dei Gloria Intacta by J. van Rijckenborgh – Sections 1.1 and 1.2



Throughout the entire history of mankind, two systems of esoteric development have held the attention of al those who, by reason of a natural bent and an inner urge, desired to walk the path of liberation.

The history of magic shows that in al civilizations the same two systems of magic development were applied. Now both systems were used simultaneously, now successively, as the different periods of culture appeared and disappeared. One system is designated in the Continue reading

The breath of the spirit and spiritual energy – talk by Eric Palazzo at the Symposium ‘The golden thread of the free mind’


Christian theology in the era of the Antiquity and the Middle Ages has rather poignantly placed the question of the freedom of the Spirit or, reversely, the spirit of freedom at the centre of their studies of the activation of the spiritual pursuit of Man, both on an individual basis as well as on a collective level.

In saying this I underline the fact that Christian theological thought in Antiquity and the Middle Ages has always differentiated itself from the gradual evolution over the centuries of the Continue reading

Spiritual Pentecost, free online program starts at May 16 2021

Free online program, based on ‘The gospel of the holy twelve’ by Jasper Gideon Ouseley.

Register for daily inspiration in Continue reading

The law of karma and remission of guilt, ‘what you sow you will reap’, and the redemption of mankind

All microcosms that are not yet able to participate in the process of the first resurrection remain bound to the law of reincarnation and also to that other emergency law — the law of karma, the law of cause and effect; the law that teaches: “what one sows one will have to reap”.

This means that, quite logically and scientifically, the life of the next personality will adapt itself to this life. Whatever man takes up he has to fulfil, whatever he unchains he has to accept. So a new phase of existence begins where the previous one ended.

No one receives a task that is too heavy, every life brings not only a burden but also a potential. Bondage to the past does exist, but at the same time a path to liberation is shown. Even though the past cannot be revoked, the law of karma keeps open the possibility of using the present Continue reading

Matheno’s lessons for John about the doctrine of universal law and the power of man to choose and to attain, Aquarian Gospel chapter 14

Aquarian Gospel 14Matheno and his pupil, John, were talking of the sacred books of olden times, and of the golden precepts they contained, and John exclaimed, these golden precepts are sublime; what need have we of other sacred books?

Matheno said, the Spirit of the Holy One cause every thing to come and go in proper time. The sun has his own time to set, the moon to rise, to wax and wane, the stars to come and go, the rain to fall, the winds to blow; the seed times and Continue reading