First week before Christmas: Man is the truth and falsehood strangely mixed

Spiritual Christmas The Aquarian Gospel 22


One day as Jesus and Lamaas walked alone in plaza Jagannath, Lamaas said, my Jewish master, what is truth?

And Jesus said, truth is the only thing that changes not. In all the world there are two things; the one is truth; the other falsehood is; and truth is that which is, and falsehood that which seems to be. Now truth is aught, and has no cause, and yet it is the cause of everything. Falsehood is naught, and yet it is the manifest of aught. Whatever has been made will be unmade; that which begins must end. All things that can be seen by human eyes are manifests of aught, are naught, and so must pass away. The things we see are but reflexes just appearing, while the ethers vibrate so and so, and when conditions change they disappear. The Holy Breath is truth; is that which was, and is, and evermore shall be; it cannot change nor pass away.

Lamaas said, you answer well; now, what is man?

And Jesus said, man is the truth and falsehood strangely mixed.

The Aquarian Gospel 22:2-12

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