Some reactions about the new book ‘Sprititual Christmas’

The texts brought me many happy moments – deeply joyful feelings – and I will certainly think back to them often. Lovely to start and end the day in this way.

The deepening texts were a confirmation for my soul path. Life is so much greater than we can see. That’s what makes life so wonderful and unique.

What great texts with which to start the day in these special times. They colour your day and give tremendous encouragement.

This is a story completely different from what I’ve ever been taught. It gives a whole new dimension and more spiritual deepening than I have ever imagined.

So much is said with so few words, in such simple language. That touches the heart. The basis of pupilship is outlined here.

My spiritual quest always seemed a lonely road, because there seemed to be none with whom I could really share my faith. But now, by actively participating in this series of lessons, I feel I’m going through a deep process of transformation. Here I experience the energy of a community of people who truly follow the spiritual path.

I want to thank everybody who made this project possible for their efforts. We listened every day and experienced the peace that this created.

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